Histoires ordinaires

Livre d'artiste, leporello.

Textes et photographies, 96 pages, 13.5 x 10,5 cm

Les histoires ordinaires ont toutes eu lieu à Anvers. Enfin non, pas toutes. Certaines se sont passées en Italie, d'autres dans le Jura suisse ou à Bruxelles. Et au fond, qu'importe l'endroit? Comme me l'avait dit un Mexicain établi au Caire, «Tutto il mondo e paese». Que ce soit ici ou ailleurs, les histoires ordinaires sont à peu près les mêmes partout.

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Artist book. Leporello.

Texts (short stories) and photographs. 96 pages, 13,5 x 10,5 cm

I started this project in Belgium in 2014 and processed it in other socio cultural contexts. The result is a collection of short stories, answering in an intimate and personal way to contemporary issues concerning society, identity and position.


" I do not know what time it was that March 8th . I was writing , sitting at my desk in the room which would still be my room, as well as my studio for twenty-three days . I had been here for sixty-two days. During this time, I had understood:

that some of the big stones which were put randomly on the ground of the empty field that I could see from my window were the remains of gravestones.

that among these gravestones, there was one that was engraved "Famille Masquelier"
